Every individual might have a different reason for loving a restaurant. For some it might be a place recommended to them by their family members or friends. A few might keep returning to the place for the beautiful ambience, good food or a welcoming staff member. There are a few who keep hunting for deals and might find your place as value for money. While others might just have a special bonding with your restaurant being the place, for their first date, a birthday party or a memorable get together.
All your customers are different and so is their way to engage with you, leading to a repeat business. What is common amongst them is their presence on Facebook and Instagram. Does that mean that you create a different kind of communication for each one of them? The answer is not really and that is practically not possible.
Another thing common amongst these people is that they all love your place, even though it might be for a different reason.
So how do you engage with them?
Firstly, it is very important to have a brand personality. Eg. If there is a restaurant serving Chinese food but the customer is a German. The entire design need not be changed but some tweaks in the words and some element of design change should do the trick. Once your communication flashes through a customer’s eye, she should know that it is your brand, irrespective of the message it carries. The classic example is McDonalds, in spite of serving a customised menu in different countries, any brand communication is easily recognisable.
Secondly, ‘Direct Selling’ is a common mistake that all marketers make. ‘Direct Messaging’ is very different from direct sales. The difference lies in ‘Preaching’ and making consumers a part of your journey. Share about your journey and your USPs but do not obligate your consumers to buy. Let them find their comfort to engage with you. Eg.
1. Come for the Buffet dinner at just Rs. 999/-…..No
2. Let us serve you an unlimited array of dishes at just Rs. 999/-….. Yes
Thirdly, you must love your brand and everything about it. If there is something that you don’t like, your customers will not like it too. This rule goes without an exception. It is Ok to not communicate but it is very important to communicate what you believe in. End of the day it is you who is behind the personality of the brand.
Fourthly, Keep the curiosity alive. Your messages should be looked up to by your customers. Figure out what is in it for them and make your communication simple and relatable.
Lastly, there is nothing right or wrong, when it comes to Social Media. Something might work for a brand and might not work for the other.
Keep experimenting, keep creating and keep spreading cheer.