Social media has indeed changed the face of marketing. Radio, TV, and print ads move over – online interaction is the way of the future. However there are a few pointers any new startup should keep mind –
* Start with a proper plan, not tactics
* Grow your customer base quickly
* Set specific goals
* Welcome participation, feedback and co-creation
* Connect with customers easily
* Benefit from word-of-mouth advertising
* Actively participate in online forums and air your views
* Don’t feed readers a sales pitch; let the user community decide how great the product is
And, what should be best avoided –
* Do not be pushy or overtly ‘salesy’ in messaging and communications
* Don’t broadcast useless information on social media sites
* Avoid being fake in any way
* Above all, remember that social media is about the C’s: Conversation, Connections, Community, Consumer, Collaboration and Content.
From blogging, news aggregation to social networking and Twitter presence, if you invest time wisely in social media, the rewards will be readily visible.
Trust factor is another aspect that makes viral marketing powerful. Which is more likely to influence whether or not you buy a product, a friend recommending the product or a marketer telling you to buy the product? The answer is obvious– your friend holds more influence.