Evolution of social media:
2006 was about “What is social media” and “Why does it matter”. Business blogging, flogs, podcasting and second life were the hot topics.
2007 is about “How do I deploy social media”. Companies will start to integrate Social Media up and down and side to side in the organization, both externally as well as internally.
2008 was about how I get in touch with my customers directly for feedback and help in innovations.
2009 was about using social mass media like facebook, Orkut, twitter into the fold.
Social Media (Blogs, Forums, Wikis, Podcasts, Video blogs and other tools) are appearing in every industry.
Below are some strategies for 2010:
1) Social Media is about people. Customers and Prospects and Partners are connecting, sharing and growing with each other, never forget this. Do it authentically, openly, and knowing the world is watching. Prospects trust consumers more than you, now they are talking to each other using Social Media tools.
2) Communities are the goal, conversations are the verb. Social Media can be used to reach and connect with customers, you can participate in communities. Obvious outputs of this community are the digital and real life conversations that will manifest. You can read, join, and even measure those conversations, this is your currency.
3) Let go to gain more. The participants of these tools are in charge; typically customers are using these tools long before corporate types do. Thereby, you must participate to be in charge. The more a corporation controls the less effective this will be.
4) Measurement will be important. It will be important to measure the interaction between people. Such terms such as Engagement, Participation, and Attention are rising. Qualitative responses that happen are what is important, not page views or downloads. Teach executives that Web Marketing has left the corporate .com site and has now spread globally and to small islands of conversations.
5) Organize internally. As much focus on internal communication about community should empower a fast, coordinated response. Some employees will be more passionate about one area over others, reward them, and support them.